Friday, December 9, 2011

In the mood to CREATE...wait...create....wait...

I decided to do some art work this morning and began by scanning and printing some of my original work to use in a nifty crafty project idea I saw on alisa burke's blog. (specifically the garland)
So I thought I would use my Silhouette to cut my circles since my largest circle punch is only 1" and I wanted them larger. Then I realized I had not installed the program to my new laptop which I have had for how many months now? Okay. So install software. YAY! Wait! WHAT? Only 50 images? Arrrggg...need to reload all 12K images for the second time. SIGH.
Decide to write blog entry while waiting. 4K downloaded. Decide to talk to daughter. Return to blog entry. 6K done. Begin to lose interest in nifty crafty project idea. Drink coffee. Wait. Wait. Wait. 7K. This is aggravating to someone who wants to CREATE SOMETHING RIGHT NOW.

12 minutes later. Added a change to a watercolor to hang above my desk. I had the van Gogh quote, "The more I think, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." on the painting but it was really difficult to read so I rewrote it on white paper and added it. Much better.Watercolor w/ van gogh quote

30 seconds......
Now to cut circles.

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